Are you an event marketer looking to sell MORE tickets on Facebook, Instagram and Google? 🎟️
👉🏻 Are you tired of traditional print ads and flyers NOT WORKING?
👉🏻 Are you tired of promoting your events online and getting a ton of 'engagement' but few tickets actually sold?
Good News! 
We help sell out events using a proven event ticket sales process on Facebook, Instagram and Google!
We help event marketers sell out their events by automating the ticket sales process.
If you've ever tried Facebook ads before, you understand exactly HOW complicated they can be - and that doing them wrong will end up costing thousands of dollars. You can get TONS of likes and so called 'engagement' for really cheap but how about actual ticket sales? That's typically where things get sticky. 

We let event marketers focus on what they do best by taking the whole ticket sales process off their hands. 

The members of our highly skilled team have collectively worked with hundreds of Event Marketers, and have guaranteed methods on converting sales through Facebook, Instagram, and Google.

We are 100% confident in our work. So much so, that we offer performance-based pricing. Imagine completely automating your sales and finally getting to focus on what you do best instead of worrying about all of the day to day ad management.
The best part of it all? If we don't hit your revenue goals, we don't get paid! 
Please Note: Due to the high-risk nature of this program, we only take on a limited number of clients per month, and screen to ensure maximum success. You must cover your own ad spend. Set up fee may apply if there is no funnel in place, or product to market data.
Client Case Study:
Tech Conference
🔥 10K+ Managed Spend, Facebook + Google

🔥 Ticket Prices range $50-$700

🔥 Sold Out Event 

Client Case Study:
Venue/Event Conference
🔥 $2500 Managed spend on Facebook

🔥 $100 Cost Per Ticket Sold

🔥 250 Tickets Sold
We're a Good Fit When ...
You're Looking to Automate your Lead-Gen
You are tired of the daily lead-gen hustle and you are ready for a more automated system. We got this!
You tried Facebook™ ads but they didn't work.
You had some initial success with Facebook™ ads, or maybe just got some likes on posts but they didn't produce actual sales. We got this!
You Don't Have Time To Manage Your Lead-Gen
You're growing fast and you simply don't have the time to continually optimize your ads. We won't just take it over - we will make it better.
Ready to Work With Us? 
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